Basic input and output operations

First Program in CPP

When learning C++, the first program you write is generally a turning point because it summarizes input, processing, and output. The goal of this pilot program is straightforward: ask the user for a number, then repeat it back. Let us break down this classic C++ program, examining its various parts and features.



using namespace std;

int main() {

int a;

cout<<"enter a number"; //input statement


cout<<"the number is : "<<a; //output statement

return 0;



Our program is accompanied with comments, the voiceless guides explaining its inner workings. Single-line comments are indicated with // and give brief annotations; multi-line comments are enclosed in /* */ and offer more context and clarification.

Single Line Comment (// Double Slash)

// This is an example program to add two numbers 

// C++ program to illustrate the addition of numbers


Multi-line Comment (/*     */)

/*This is an example

 program to 

add two numbers */

Output Statement (cout)

  • The cout is a predefined object that represents the standard output stream

Syntax: cout << string or variable;

The operator << is called the insertion or put to operator.


cout<< “C++ is better than c”;

Causes the string in quotation marks to be displayed on the screen.

Input Statement (cin)

  • The cin is a predefined object that represents the standard input stream

cin >> variable;

The operator >> is called the extraction or get from operator.





The value given through the keyboard will be stored in the variable ‘a’.

In the end, my first attempt at writing C++ code captures the essence of input/output activities by encapsulating user interaction in a clear and organized manner. We build relationships with our users by using cout and cin, which encourages interaction and participation. This is evidence of the power and adaptability of C++ as a programming language.

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