Introduction to Java


  • The father of Java is James Gosling
  • Java is a general-purpose, class-based, object-oriented programming language. 
  • It is a computing platform for application development. Java is fast, secure, and reliable, therefore. 
  • Initially, it was launched by Sun Micro Systems and then bought by Oracle
  • Java uses the concept of WORA(Write Once Run Anywhere)

Java is widely used in: 

  1. Desktop application - Java offers extensive APIs for Windows-based application development, including Swing, AWT, and JavaFX. These APIs make it simpler to create complex desktop GUIs by providing a range of pre-assembled elements including buttons, lists, and menus.

  2. Mobile application - One popular option for creating Android applications is Java. It offers cross-platform functionality and is compatible with Kotlin. Java is used in the development of many popular programs, such as Twitter and Spotify.

  3. Games - Java is used in the game development industry, particularly for Internet and Android games. It supports strong 3D engines, which are necessary for creating intricate game designs.

  4. Web application - Because of its extensive support for web development via Servlets, JSP, and frameworks like Spring and Hibernate, Java is perfect for web applications. It makes it possible to develop dynamic web apps that communicate with users.

  5. Enterprise Software Development - Java is appropriate for enterprise-level applications due to its resilience. Because of its dependable and secure processing capabilities, it is utilized in banking, insurance, and retail.

  6. Big Data Technologies - The language of choice for many big data technologies is Java. Java is used in Hadoop, the HDFS platform for handling and storing big data applications.

  7. Embedded Systems - Java is used in smart cards, utilities, embedded systems in Internet of Things devices, and more. It is appropriate for these applications due to its mobility and extensive feature set.


  • Click products and scroll down hardware and software click "java"

  • Scroll down and click Windows.  

 Successfully downloaded java 


  • Open Java Download file location  

  • Click jdk installer or open with run as Administrator.

  • JDK installer will be run and click next

  • Choose an install file location and click next. 

  • Install process will be started. 
  • After finishing the process click Close.

Installed successfully.


  • Open notepad

  • Type a program 
public class Main 
  public static void main(String[] args) 
    System.out.println("Hello World");

  • Click the file and click save or ctrl+s to save your file. 

  • Save your file name to the class name. This program class name is "main" so you save the file " " 

  • Open save location and type the search bar to "cmd" or open "cmd command prompt"

  • Type " javac" to compile a program
  • Type "java  main" to run the program
  • Output show successfully "Hello world"

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